
Compact Bunk Bed

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Compact Bed with Stairs
L 6'-10" X B 4'-4" X H 5'-11"
L 209 X B 132 X H 180 (cm)
L 6'-6" X B 2'-11" X H 0'-8" - TOP
L 200 X B 90 X H 18' (cm)
L 6'-3" X B 2'-11" X H 0'-8" - BOTTOM
L 190X B 90 X H 18 (cm)


Keeping in mind that space is a luxury in a big city; our space saver collection incorporates all the essentials your child needs without taking up all the space. Its modern, modular design with smart storage allows your child to organize his or her space completely independently. The compact bunk bed's multifunctional feature allows it to be used as a bed as well as a study table. And not just that, it makes it easy to rearrange and redecorate the room as often as they would like.

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